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As one of the most iconic champions in League of Legends, Brand the Blaze Mage has had his ups and downs in the competitive scene. However, after some recent changes to the game, Brand has once again reemerged as a top-tier pick, especially when played as a mid laner. With his incredible burst damage, area-of-effect abilities, and game-changing ultimate, Brand is a force to be reckoned with in 2021.

One of the biggest reasons for Brand's resurgence is the recent buffs to his core abilities. His Pillar of Flame, a powerful area-of-effect ability, now deals more damage to enemies standing in the middle of the fire. Meanwhile, his Conflagration, a single-target ability that spreads to nearby enemies, now has a lower cooldown and a longer range. Additionally, his ultimate, Pyroclasm, now bounces more times and deals more damage overall.

Another key factor in Brand's success is the current meta in the mid lane. With many of the top-tier champions focusing on mobility and burst damage, such as Yasuo and Zed, Brand's area-of-effect abilities can shut them down quickly. His Pillar of Flame and Conflagration can easily take out entire waves of minions, while his Sear can stun enemies caught out of position.

Of course, success with Brand requires more than just relying on his abilities. As with any champion, positioning is key. In team fights, Brand should look to hang back and wait for his teammates to engage before unleashing his massive damage. Thanks to his long-range abilities, he can contribute from afar and stay out of harm's way. Additionally, it's important for Brand players to time their abilities carefully, such as using Conflagration after landing Sear to maximize damage output.


Finally, it's important to note that Brand is not invincible. While his area-of-effect abilities can be devastating, he's vulnerable to champions that can close the gap quickly and get in his face. In particular, assassins like Zed and Talon can make quick work of him if he's caught out of position or his abilities are on cooldown.

Overall, Brand the Blaze Mage is an excellent pick in today's League of Legends meta. With his incredible burst damage, area-of-effect abilities, and game-changing ultimate, he's a force to be reckoned with in the middle lane. As long as players can master his abilities, time them carefully, and stay out of danger, there's no doubt that Brand can once again rise to the top of the competitive scene.